Thursday, September 17, 2020

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs IT Outsourcing

IT Outsourcing

Support. Security. Strategy. Expertise. IT or information technology is a primary support function for your business. But more often than not, small to medium sized firms overlook information technology as a crucial component of their company due to the cost to create and keep an IT department. However, the trend of IT outsourcing has become more rampant over the years and it has slowly bridged the gap. As a matter of fact, analysts are expecting global IT outsourcing to reach a compound yearly growth rate of nearly 6%. Some reports showed that about 60% of IT function will be outsourced and the spending for managed IT services will reach 10.2% of the average IT budget. Firms investing in IT services enjoy a lot of benefits that assist them in operating their business more effectively and efficiently without the need to invest in an in house IT department.

5 Reasons IT Outsourcing Is Essential For Businesses


  1. Reduce Spending
Reduced spending is one of the many reasons why businesses outsource their IT. They enjoy significant savings of as much as 40%. It does not take that much to know how much can be saved thanks to IT outsourcing Columbia SC. You will reduce both your operating and capital spending. There is no need to buy computer hardware or to dedicate costly square footage to build a data center. There’s no need to hire employees to do IT functions; all of the work of the internal IT team, from hardware installations to application development to end user support could be outsourced. You’ll also realize reduced expenses for benefits and trainings.
  1. Increase Focus on Core Business
For many firms, IT is not a core competency but a support function. Developing and supporting your data center won’t provide you with a competitive advantage. Since your business is not technology, it will be hard to hire and keep an in house IT team with top quality skills so your team might not have the skills needed to make software that could give the edge you need. IT outsourcing allows your management to concentrate on your business development and core competencies instead of having problems with technology concerns. Apart from that, outsourced IT services provide 24/7 support and work guarantee that go well beyond what your in house team can offer, allowing you to complete more work with fewer operational problems.
  1. Access to The Pros and Latest Experts
Since IT is the core competency of the vendor like SpartanTec, Inc., they will ensure that their staff are certified and trained in the field they support. They have a team of experts in different IT technologies, you could ask their IT team for advice in order to help you come up with the most appropriate decision. You’ll be able to access support and the latest technology from a reliable IT team.
  1. Reduce Risk and Improve Flexibility
Technology can be costly and that includes making wrong decisions. A company that offers IT consulting services possesses a solid base of experience that can help in making the appropriate technical decisions. In case you decide to alter your technology method, your managed IT service provider will have the services and the tools to assist you in your transition. IT outsourcing can reduce the risk of losing data. Did you know that hundreds of malware are created every year, and companies of different sizes face significant losses in case a data breach happens? Companies offering managed IT services make sure that data centers have the right defenses like event monitoring software, security information, and firewalls.
  1. Better Employee Morale
You’ll end up with unhappy employees who constantly worry about their job security if outsourcing is implemented poorly. However, if it is handled correctly, managed IT services can boost their morale. With IT services, your staff can concentrate on the jobs that you hired them to do while reliable systems offered by your managed IT service provider can help them get more done. Since your staff don’t need to do tasks that they don’t know that much about and can focus more on their core tasks, they will feel more satisfied and less likely to feel burnt out.

For reliable IT outsourcing, call SpartanTec, Inc. now.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

Serving: Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Wilmington, Fayetteville, Florence

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