Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Top Cybersecurity Best Practices For Employees

Every organization’s backbone is its employees. They ensure that the goals and objectives are achieved and that everything runs smoothly. Humans are still the weakest link in an organization’s chain regarding cybersecurity.

An organization’s cybersecurity needs can be negatively affected by employees who don’t take them seriously. Organizations can reduce their vulnerability by informing employees about information security best practices. Below are the top cybersecurity best practice guidelines for employees to follow so that they can keep their organization safe from data breaches and cyberthreats.

Learn The Best Cybersecurity Practices

How to recognize and avoid phishing attacks

Phishing refers to a social engineering tactic in which an attacker sends a fake message to an employee via email, instant messaging, or text message. The message tries to convince the employee that they will click on a link that downloads malware, freezes their system as part a ransomware attack, or divulges sensitive information.

Scam emails should be avoided by employees. Employees must take extra precautions when opening suspicious email attachments. Employees should be trained on the common red flags to recognize phishing attempts by organizations. A phishing campaign simulation can be used to test the employee’s ability and effectiveness in avoiding attacks. It is best to not enter any personal information or company information via email, pop-up website, or other communication that you did not initiate.

Use multi-factor authentication and complex passwords

It is important to ensure that your organization is secure online by ensuring that passwords used by employees are unique and complex. Combination of upper and lowercase alphabets, numbers, and symbols. Employees who use simple passwords that are easy-to-remember will be able to gain access to sensitive information and company infrastructure.

Employees should enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by asking you to complete at least one additional step, such as providing a temporary code sent to your phone, to log in. Even if a password has been compromised, criminals will still need to have access to another factor to gain access. SpartanTec in Columbia SC can provide your employees with a variety of tools to manage their passwords and help them stay safe.

In addition to the best practices mentioned above, organizations should have policies in place that ensure passwords are regularly changed and not shared with employees. These activities can improve an organization’s cyber security.

Utilizing secure wi-fi networks

It is easy to ensure that your office wi-fi network remains secure and encrypted. However, remote working arrangements mean that organizations must equip employees with the tools they need to protect their data. Due to their open access and lack of security features, public wi-fi networks can pose a significant threat to information security.

Employers can help protect themselves and their information security by ensuring that their employees use virtual private networks (or VPNs) when connecting to their devices via public WiFi networks. VPNs allow for anonymous and undetectable online activity which greatly reduces the chance of someone gaining access to your company’s network or systems.

Data encryption and protection are important

Employers must ensure that they do not disclose any sensitive information to the general public. They also need to take extra precautions when sharing or communicating sensitive information online. The workplace should be treated in the same manner as individuals who avoid giving out their credit card numbers when they answer unsolicited emails, phone calls, or text messages.

Hackers can use clever deception techniques to fool employees by posing as government officials or higher management. Employees should exercise extreme caution when sharing sensitive information. They must double-check the legitimacy of requests and encryption data before they are sent, to ensure that only the intended recipient can access the data with the help a decryption keys.

Make sure you keep your software current and make sure that you have the most recent patches installed on all devices.

The threats to cybersecurity in Columbia SC change constantly, and new vulnerabilities are being discovered each day. Organizations must ensure that employees keep their operating systems, web browsers and security software up-to-date. To combat new cyber threats, antivirus and antimalware programs must be updated regularly. Employees must ensure that their personal devices used to access company networks are updated with the most recent security patches.

Security training and awareness programs should be taken seriously

Onboarding a new employee should not be treated as an afterthought, or as a compliance requirement. Training and awareness programs are essential parts of any onboarding process. Cyber security is not the sole responsibility of the IT department. It also falls on the shoulders of the Information security team. However, employees are responsible for understanding and implementing their organization’s cybersecurity policies. Employees can learn about cyber threats by engaging in training and security awareness materials provided by the organization. This will help them to identify and prevent data breaches and increase their ability to detect dangerous attachments.

Keep a backup of all your critical data

Backup solutions are the best way to protect your business and personal information. Ransomware is one of the most serious threats to your data. Ransomware, a type of malware that encrypts victim’s files and systems, is known as ransomware. Ransomware attacks can cause a company to collapse by encrypting its files, systems and networks.

Ransomware attacks could cause permanent data loss. It is important that employees regularly back up their information using a cloud backup (preferable) or a physical hard drive backup. Cloud backup makes a copy of your data and stores it on a server. It then hosts it in a separate location. Employees should take extra precautions to ensure that physical backups are stored securely and encrypted. These methods can be used to restore data in the event that an employee’s system is corrupted or hack.

What can SpartanTec, Inc. do?

Employers play an important role in information security. By implementing these cybersecurity best practices, employees can make sure that they are contributing to the company’s high level of cybersecurity.

Our team of cybersecurity experts can help you create and launch cybersecurity training programs that are effective for your employees. SpartanTec, Inc. in Columbia SC can help you learn more about our Employee Training services. Call SpartanTec, Inc. now if you need help in boosting your company’s online security measures.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence, Charleston

Friday, March 25, 2022

Employee Cybersecurity Training

Your organization’s cybersecurity can be improved by empowering your employees to recognize common cyber-threats. Employees learn security awareness training in order to recognize vulnerabilities and threats that could your impact business operations. When using a computer in a business network, employees must be aware of their responsibilities.

To instill a culture of cybersecurity in Columbia SC in your organization, it is important to provide training for new hires and regular refresher course for existing employees.

Cybersecurity: Responsibilities for Company Data

Continue to stress the importance of data security and each employee’s responsibility for protecting company data. Your employees and you have legal and regulatory obligations.

Document Management and Notification

In the event that a computer is infected with a virus or has other abnormalities, employees should be trained on how to report them. Employees should be taught to recognize an alert or warning message. Employees should report such incidents immediately to your IT security team so that they can investigate and mitigate the threat.


Your employees should be taught how to choose strong passwords. Passwords should not only be difficult to guess but also be hard to forget so that they are not easily stolen. Employees should receive periodic reminders to change their passwords.

Software that is not authorized

Inform your employees that they cannot install unlicensed software on company computers. You could be vulnerable to malicious software downloading that could corrupt or attack your company’s data.

Internet Use

Your employees should be trained to not click on suspicious links or email from unknown sources. These links could release malware, infect computers, and steal company data. You should also establish safe browsing guidelines and limit employee Internet use in the workplace.


Data theft can be prevented by using responsible email policies. Email scams are something employees should be aware of and avoid responding to emails they don’t recognize. Your employees should be able to accept email from:

  • Someone they trust.
  • They have previously received mail from them.
  • They were expecting it.
  • It doesn’t look strange with unusual characters or spellings.
  • Passes your antivirus program test.

Social Engineering and Phishing

Your employees should be informed to recognize the common cybercrime risks and information security threats, such as phishingsocial engineering, and other web-browsing hazards.

Social Media Policy

Your employees should be educated about social media including proper engagement on FacebookLinkedInTwitter, etc.

Mobile Devices

Your employees should be made aware of your policy regarding mobile devices owned by the company and personal devices that are used in the course of business.

Protecting Computer Resources

Your staff needs to be trained on how to protect their computers from theft. Backup copies of critical information should be kept safe and regularly backed-up. Your employees must accept the latest virus protection software updates for company computers.

Having the right policies in place and ensuring ALL your employees have a copy and understand these policies is critical in today’s world of cyber attacks and data threats. However, creating these policies and training your employees can be a daunting task. SpartanTec in Columbia SC has the expertise to assist you and your team put an effective cyber security plan in place.

One step in the right direction is to have your employees follow our Facebook page.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence, Charleston

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

How To Set And Achieve Your Cybersecurity Goals

Implementing strong cybersecurity measures doesn’t have to scare businesses in Columbia SC.

Cybersecurity is no longer a topic of debate. You might find out the hard way if you don’t understand the importance of cybersecurity measures to protect your system or network.

Cyberattacks can cause severe damage. Regrets may set in. It would be too late, unfortunately.

Are you ready to achieve your cybersecurity goals? Here are some realistic goals you can set.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is a combination of security measures that protect interconnected devices, including software and hardware, as well as data from cyber threats.

Cybersecurity is based on cyber threats. Your system contains valuable information. It could be used as a target by hackers who will go to any lengths to gain unauthorized access.

It suffices to say that without cyber  security, computers and networks would be unprotected and vulnerable to all types of attacks.

As more people use the internet for their business, jobs and personal lives, cybersecurity is becoming more important than ever. It’s better to store data on devices that are restricted to physical locations than it is to store it in the cloud for remote access.

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

risk-management-300x194.jpgCybersecurity is a popular buzzword. Everybody has an idea what it is. However, many people don’t know the exact reasons why cybersecurity is so important.

It is important to understand the importance of cybersecurity and why it should be treated as an urgent matter.

Cybercrime is on the rise

High-profile cyberattacks against influential people and companies were common in the past. Anyone can become a victim.

Cybercriminals want sensitive data they can exploit. It doesn’t matter who has such information. They will only want it if it serves their purpose.

Bottom line, there is no business too small to be hacked. Cybercriminals have access to all your personal information online. It is therefore in your best interests to secure it.

Technology advancement

The Internet of Things (IoT) is at the heart of tech-obsessed society. Everything is connected to the internet to make life easier.

Your computer devices keep track of all your activities and make it easy to do so many things without breaking a sweat. Cyber threats are more likely to strike because of the convenience and connectivity we desire. Attackers are keen to exploit this vulnerability.

Weak Cybersecurity Culture

Multiple online platforms are used by billions of people for work, leisure, and other purposes. Unfortunately, there’s not a strong cybersecurity culture that can help people use the internet safely.

Human error is the main reason for most cyberattacks. There would be fewer cyberattacks if more people were alert to threat vectors. This is where employee training is critical. SpartanTec in Columbia SC  can provide the training needed to keep your employees up to speed with security measures.

A strong cybersecurity culture is essential to prevent any potential threats from online actions. Cybersecurity tools like Intrusion Detection System can detect suspicious activity and mitigate any damage.

5 tips to help your business set and achieve cybersecurity goals

cybersecurity-tips-300x237.jpgTo set and achieve cybersecurity goals, you don’t need to be an expert. It takes dedication to create a security plan and see it through to its completion.

You can create a roadmap of how to make the cyber world safer and more resilient by setting cybersecurity goals. These tips can help you get there.

1. Define your goals

Cybersecurity can be broad. You might find yourself in many places, but not necessarily anywhere.

It is important to clearly define your goal. What cybersecurity goals are you aiming to reach? Are you looking to secure your customer’s data and your personal data? Are you able to identify threats far away and within your own system? These are the questions you should ask.

List the most important areas to you. You can have multiple cybersecurity goals, but you shouldn’t take on more than what you can handle.

2. Identify your most critical assets

What would you most worry about if hackers attempted to enter your system? What are your most important assets.

It doesn’t take long to secure your most valuable assets. You can implement proactive cybersecurity strategies by identifying the assets and taking steps to protect them.

Your other assets are not affected by the priority you give to your most important assets. You can also take measures to protect them. When the chips are down it’s more sensible to protect assets that will most impact you.

3. Prioritize Value Over Cost

Cybersecurity is often resisted due to its high cost. Being cyber secure is not free. Cybersecurity can sometimes be expensive, especially if you are looking to do it all in-house.

Be realistic about the consequences of an attack on your network before you stop dreaming of reaching your cybersecurity goals. It’s possible that you will lose more than what cybersecurity measures cost.

You’ll also be paying a high price for your assets. These troubles can be avoided by investing your money in the right resources.

4. To measure your progress, outline metrics

Measurable cybersecurity goals are the best. You can measure how far you’ve traveled and what changes you made along the way to determine your progress.

However, do not overload the process with too many metrics. You can identify relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which will give you an idea of your performance. These KPIs should not be difficult to comprehend and relevant to your niche.

5. Create a healthy cybersecurity culture

It is important to have all necessary security measures in place, but one human error can jeopardize your efforts.

It is vital to foster a healthy cybersecurity culture. Keep up-to-date with all the latest cyberattacks and their tactics. This will allow you to detect a cyber threat even from far away.

It is not enough to know everything about cybersecurity. You should ensure that your colleagues are as well-versed in cybersecurity as you. Because you may not always be available when they interact online, this is important. An attacker could just need to convince someone in your team to open an infected file.

Keep your commitment to achieving your cybersecurity goals

There is hope. It is possible to set and achieve your cybersecurity goals with great commitment.

Each layer of security you add to your network makes it harder for attackers to get in. Even the most skilled hackers can only overcome certain obstacles.

Set a goal to contact SpartanTec in Columbia to discuss your security goals and how we can help you meet those goals cost effectively.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

3 Fraud Scams You Need to Know

The first step in avoiding fraud is to be aware.

Criminals will often use your fears and emotions to get you to do things you wouldn’t normally, such as make a payment or give sensitive information.

Your best defense is to be aware and vigilant. This will keep you safe online, over the phone, or via text. These are the latest scams you should be aware of.

Fraud Alerts

Romance Scam

These are usually caused by meeting an impersonator on a dating app or through social media. They might claim to be out of state, on business, or unavailable. You are asked to lend money quickly or give your online banking access so that the cybercriminal can access your accounts.

Refund Scam

This scam involves a pop-up message, unsolicited email, or phone call claiming to be from Amazon, Microsoft, or PayPal. It offers a refund for overpayments of services. They will ask for your online banking credentials, or request that you download an application to process your refund.

fraud-300x245.jpgCyber Currency Investment Scam

This scam takes advantage of cryptocurrency’s popularity by luring victims to fraudulent websites or to compromised social media accounts to invest. Fake cryptocurrency businesses also employ job seekers and ask for personal information or banking credentials.

What You Can Do

Unsolicited email, phone call, or text messages should not be interpreted as a request for sensitive or personal information. Call the corporate number if you are unsure about the legitimacy of the caller.

  • Never give out your secure access code or online banking credentials to anyone.
  • Limit how much personal information you share via social media.
  • Monitor your finances regularly and report suspicious activity to your financial institution.

Call SpartanTec, Inc. now if you need help in protecting your network against cybercriminals and minimizing your risk for falling victim to fraud or scams.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence, Charleston

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Small Business IT Services

SpartanTec, Inc.in Columbia SC provides IT services that help businesses achieve their goals faster and with less risk. Small businesses, like yours, have the opportunity to harness technology’s power for your business goals. You can choose from cloud services to the most up-to-date technology to suit their business needs.

Our tools, support, and solutions will help you save money while increasing efficiency. We are committed to your success as a small business owner. We want you to be able to concentrate on growing and running your business while we keep your growing business going. Our managed IT services are innovative and flexible, and can be used across many industries to transform your business.

IT Services For Small Business

You have a limited budget and you don’t have much room for technology. The right technology and support is key to staying competitive and making a profit.

Even though you may be a small business, that doesn’t mean you cannot leverage enterprise-level IT solutions. SpartanTec, Inc.in  Columbia SC can help you fill in your IT gaps and manage all your tech requirements. Our team will assess, design, implement, and manage your technology, on-site or off-site. Our team will help you save time, money, and find innovative and affordable IT solutions.


Support services for small businesses IT near Columbia SC

Complex technology issues and problems can slow down small businesses and distract from their core business. IT support for small businesses is a great way to ensure that your business runs smoothly and efficiently. It’s affordable, reliable, and predictable. The solutions can be customized to meet individual business requirements.

Small Business IT Consulting Services

SpartanTec, Inc.’s IT consulting services in Columbia SC are cost-effective, predictable, unlimited and all-inclusive for small businesses. We address the issues and challenges so small businesses can operate efficiently and optimally. We provide the necessary expertise and knowledge, as well as the best practices in the industry.

IT Services: What benefits will I get?

  • Performance and uptime improvements
  • Compliance with HIPAAPCI and other compliance standards
  • Available in both project-based and long-term SLAs
  • Assistance in upgrading an existing IT infrastructure
  • Cyber threats are now more easily managed and protected.

Small business owners can power their business with the right technology. We offer custom solutions and support that will allow them to maximize their potential. SpartanTec, Inc. Columbia SC can provide the solutions your business needs.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence, Charleston

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

What Do I Do If My Email Has Been Hacked?

Spammers can use many methods to send spam but the popularity of hacking legitimate users’ email accounts is growing.

As encouraging as the crackdowns on the other channels have been, spammers, have managed to shift the focus from some of the larger malware outbreaks. Recent phishing attacks are now about getting compromised email accounts for their spamming to be profitable, including email accounts such as yours.

What was the purpose of hacking my email?

Most likely, your computer was compromised in one of these four ways:

  • You don’t have the most current security software installed.
  • Your passwords can be easily cracked.
  • A malicious link was clicked in an email, IM chat, social networking site or webpage.
  • You have downloaded a video, song, or attachment that contains malicious scripts or files.

How to deal with an email hacker?

Here are some steps to follow if your email account has been hacked.

Make sure to check and update your computer’s security.

Hackers can steal passwords by installing malware on your computer or mobile phone. No matter what operating system you are using, make sure that your anti-virus software and anti-malware program are current. Select the setting that will automatically notify your computer of new email security updates. Run an end-to–end scan of your computer if you are using an antivirus program.

windowsa-10-update-300x131.pngCheck to make sure all updates have been installed.

These can be found by entering the name for your operating system and the word updates into your search engines browser (for example: windows 10 updates). To ensure that your computer is protected from any new attacks, set it to automatically update.

Make your password stronger and change it.

This should be done after your antivirus and antimalware programs have been updated. Otherwise hackers could also steal your password.

  • Strong passwords don’t have to be difficult to remember. They just need to be difficult to guess. Your password should be at least 10 characters in length. Use capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols.
  • Don’t give out any information about yourself, your pet or anyone else you know (including your dog and cat). Name, age, and city are all examples of information you should not use.
  • Avoid using words that are not found in a dictionary. Hackers can easily break these words, even if they are spelled backwards.
  • You can make password creation more simple with text messaging shortcuts. You can use L8rL8rNot2Day as an example. It means later, but not today.
  • Research shows that an average email account has 130 password protected accounts linked to it. This is why passwords are often not as secure as they should be. You can keep your passwords organized and encrypted with a password manager.

email-300x230.jpgYou should send an email to all your contacts claiming that you have been hacked.

You are more likely than not to click on the links in emails that come from people you know. Stop the spread of malware by advising people on your contact list to be skeptical of emails that don’t look right and not to click on any links.

Learn how to avoid scams, phishing and spam.

Spam can come at us from many angles: in our mailbox (junk mail), in our email inbox, via IM and social networking sites, chats forums, websites, or even on our phones. It is crucial to stay alert for phishing scams.

There is no rich uncle in a foreign country who wants to send money to you.

You have never won the lottery. You will not be offered money by strangers. No hot babe will wait for you to respond. Unsolicited pharmacy offers will only lead to a ripoff or infection of your computer or smartphone. It would make headline news on every TV station if there was a miraculous cure for weight loss.

You will never be asked to authenticate information online by a reputable bank, Amazon or other company.

If you receive an email with a link, do not use it. Instead, use your search engine and log in to the site. The message will be available in your account if it was genuine.

Before downloading any program, video, app, or game, verify its legitimacy.

download-alert-300x200.jpgOut of the millions upon millions of mobile apps that were updated or new, 32% were found to be malicious. You should assume that the content has been pirated, downloaded for free, or sent anonymously to you. You should only download content you have read positive reviews on from trusted sites.

Modify your security questions.

It’s possible that the cybercriminal had to answer security questions if your email account was hacked using a device or location other than your usual usage patterns. Your question and answer may be similar (Question: What’s your dog’s name?) Spot, that might not have been such a hard challenge.

Two-factor authentication is worth considering.

Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) is an added security measure offered by many email providers. To access an account, you will need a password as well as another form of identification such a biometric number or mobile phone number.

It’s quite common for malware to be used as an avenue to hack into email accounts.

A current internet security solution is essential for online safety and to ensure your email doesn’t get hacked. SpartanTec, Inc. provides a complete line of internet security solutions to protect your email password from hackers.

If you are working from home, you may have infected your company’s network. If that is the case, it is time to call SpartanTec in Columbia SC.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence, Charleston

Monday, March 7, 2022

Data Security: Protecting Data In Motion vs. Data At Rest

Most businesses that collect and process sensitive data require effective data security measures. This includes personally identifiable information (PII), IP, or healthcare data. Companies must ensure that their sensitive data is protected from malicious outsiders as well as careless insiders, regardless of whether they are complying with data protection legislation or standards like GDPR, HIPAA or PCI DSS.

Data can be classified according to its movement into three states:

  • data at Rest. Not moved from one device to another or between networks. This includes data that is stored on local hard drives and archived in file systems, databases, and storage infrastructure.
  • data in Use. Data currently being processed, erased or accessed by a system. It is stored within IT infrastructures like RAM, databases, and CPUs. This type of data is active and not passively stored.
  • data in Motion. Data in transit is data that’s moving between locations, such as computers, virtual machines, cloud storage or endpoints. Data in motion is data at rest once it reaches its destination.

The vulnerabilities of data in motion vs. data at rest

Data is always in motion in today’s digitalized workplaces. Every day, employees transfer data via email, virtual co-working spaces and messaging apps. They can use company-approved collaboration tools. However, they may also use shadow IT, personal services that are used in their work without their employer’s knowledge.

Data is therefore considered less secure when it’s in motion. It is not only vulnerable to being transferred via potentially insecure channels but also escapes the security of company networks and travels to less secure locations. Data is susceptible to Man-in-the-Middle cyberattacks.

Data at rest, as it isn’t transferred over the internet is less susceptible than data in motion. It remains within the security perimeter of company networks. Cybercriminals find data at rest more appealing than data in motion because it offers a greater payday than smaller packets of data in transit. Malicious insiders often target data at rest to steal or damage a company’s reputation before moving on to another job.

Data at rest cannot be transferred via the internet. However, this doesn’t mean that it can’t travel. Data at rest became particularly vulnerable during the COVID-19 epidemic, when more work computers were moved from offices to the less secure home environment.

Employee negligence can lead to data loss in both motion and at rest. Data can be lost or stolen from either local storage or transferred via the internet.

firewall-1-300x200.jpgHow to Protect Data in Motion and Data at Rest

Data in motion and data at rest have their own IT security challenges. Data in motion is inevitable, but many companies have attempted to minimize the accumulation of data at the rest of their data by implementing Virtual Desktop Infrastructures and Desktop-as-a-Service platforms to limit local storage of sensitive company information. These solutions have their own data security issues.

To protect data at rest against outsider attacks, basic cybersecurity measures like firewalls and antivirus software are essential. Data Loss Prevention (DLP), a popular tool to protect data from outsider attacks, is a popular option. DLP software controls and monitors the storage and transfer of sensitive data by using policies.

Endpoint Protector, a DLP tool, can use contextual scanning and content inspection to look for sensitive data in hundreds file types in real time. This is regardless of whether the data is stored locally or in transit. Based on search results, you can set up controls to restrict or block transfers or delete or encrypt data at work when it is found in unapproved locations.

Another common way to protect data is encryption. Companies can protect their data by encrypting hard drives with operating system’s native data encryption solutions. This ensures that no one can gain access to the data on the drive if it falls into the wrong hands.

DLP solutions may also allow you to encrypt files that are transferred to USB flash drives. This ensures that no one can see or alter the data stored on a USB flash drive in case it is lost or stolen. Data in motion can be protected by encryption of data before transport, or encrypted tunnels like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), which help to protect sensitive data transfers.

Final words

There are many software options that can protect data in motion as well as data at rest. Data protection at rest and in motion can be achieved by using encryption, DLP solutions and antivirus software.

The best way to protect your data is to call SpartanTec in Columbia SC for an assessment of your company’s data security. Call SpartanTec, Inc. now if you need help in protecting your data and your network.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 408-7166

 Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence, Charleston